Teaser episodes up. The format vision: 1-3 minutes max audio episodes would be the usual upload, where this artist prefers the natural, gritty textures of raw recording (iPhone on the ready vs studio mic where she might need to sit properly), these recordings often done instinctively and randomly in Magdalene's default mode and studio corner, ie. languid in bed or her chaise!! Stop Look Listen and Love if U do!
AuthorMagdalene Carmen's ArtxEros Journal. The artist shares her sensitive-provocative work, including readings of her sultry-sassy love poems & related musings on the #divinefeminine & the #sacrederotic. Conversations may follow. NB1 Explicit language eg. ’holy f*ck’ as idiomatic expression may feature occasionally (1) as part of the artist’s work (2) when the mighty cheek of English wordplay is the subject or (3) in natural conversation when ’holy f*ck’ happens to be the most apt response or descriptor. NB2 A free-spirited, unpredictable format is likely.♥️ PS This artist’s other creations @ MagdaleneVII.com ArchivesCategories |